May is making its swift exit, similar to its entrance. It's hard to take the much needed side-step from life. The time where you can reflect on where you are in life. Your Joy. Your pain. Your Faith. God is good through it all.
May had a great start. The crutches are not a part of my daily life anymore! Took my legs for granted. My left leg had to learn how to walk again though...weird feeling...
anyways Enda and I took a trip to my birth-town, Busan. I did a little more research on my birth family search, but unfortunately to no avail. The search continues God-willing.
The beach city contrasts Seoul in many ways...which is nice. Life seems to be more laid back...slower paced. We did some couchsurfing with some folks there. (Actually it was coincidentally another Calvin Grad! We are everywhere!)
Free place + great company= no complaints here :) I would upload pics, but for some reason the Blogger won't let me....
Now the new semester is about to begin. Looking forward to it. Another 6 days/wk work schedule, but it's a blessing to have a job. It would help if the exchange rate was a little better though....can't have everything in life. Anyways, I'll try to upload some pics soon. Until then, Blessings--